
Happily Ever After

I always wondered on what really happens after Happily Ever After!!!!No more worries, no more pain, no more obstacles and this is the way we want our life to be. But the question is Life with Happily Ever After exists????
When we read a story or see movie we feel happy when the main characters are saved, but in the course of time thousands of them might have died. We don’t care a damn for them, is this a happy ending is all about. Do only main characters have the right to live life Happily Ever After?
In the real world, many people don’t have the privilege of a canonical happy ending.  In the real world, people settle for some semblance of fairness in their lives while others, many don’t have peace, go to bed hungry, don’t have sound minds, go to substandard schools, don’t get better, live in substandard homes, don’t have homes to go to, or arms to run to, don’t know unconditional love, don’t have good health, will never be seen as “normal,” won’t see better days, won’t make it out of the bad situation they started in, won’t be swept off their feet, won’t survive, or go down in a blaze of glory.  

Real life endings are not always happy.  Real life beginnings aren't either.

We may want to be happy, but there's something we want even more—and getting rid of "happily ever after" gives us a chance to have that greater desire fulfilled.

How many of you has thought about living someone else life??? I wish I live their life.. I wish…Let me tell you one thing….An Ocean seems to be quiet and beautiful from outside, but when you get into then you will know its depth. Likewise, we can’t judge other person’s life… everyone has to struggle in their life.. We are lucky as we have food to eat, home to stay, parents to take care .

One last word I would tell to everyone is “Stop Complaining about Life and Start Living it.”

                                     “You will be the happiest person Ever After!!!”