
Take Chances.

Everyone of us definitely thought of taking chances but never did.. Y is it so?

What is the difference between people taking chances and us?The only difference is people take chances with confidence to face the outcome, whereas we are more bothered about the devastating outcomes that may or may not happen other than taking chances which we have been waiting from a very long time.To be honest we fear to face success not the failure.


  • Failures are stepping stones of success.
  • Practice makes man perfect.
  • Try and try until you win.
Above are the famous phrases that we hear/talk about in our daily life's.If we see them carefully, each phrase is encouraging us to take chances and make our dreams true.

If we dream to win nobody stops expect yourself.
You actually fail the day you loose hope on yourself and took chance to leave your dreams behind the fear.

We only have one life, live it without any regrets.Do things that you feel like , which excites you in every way however small it might be. At the end of the day don't be a person to be afraid.Never be that person who looks back on life a end of your years wondering what could have been.

" Do not  tell stories of what you wish has happened, tell stories of what happened."

 Try taking chances if it went right success is yours if it went wrong you have learnt a new lesson in your life , but above all this you are writing your own destiny, creating your own life.

"Take your chances to live a life you dream!!!"

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