
Social Networking and ME

Every now and then I always find myself in tight spot that, Am I interacting with world? Yes, of course absolutely, I turn on to my Social Networking site every morning to read all the updates on my friend’s life, click a few likes for some of the pictures and a few adverts as well.

 I now have updates on all of my friend’s busy social lives. But I still feel some emptiness(or you could call loneliness) ,after a bit of thinking I realized I live far away from family and forgot to give a call to mom and dad . Take out your phone and dial the number, talk about daily routines and also give updates on all your friends’ life which you just learned on Social Networking website.

Now as these two things are done, I  am still wondering sitting on my bed looking aimlessly and thinking for a second do I have a status or picture to upload on site as I also need to give some update on my where goings to all my friends who are looking at their phone first thing in morning ( Nah,I don’t have any at the moment but will get some pictures during the day). I am sure I will manage to get a selfie somewhere donating a penny to the poor man who is standing in the corner of station and collecting funds for some good cause ( We just did our bit of social work whatever ) and now it’s time to show the world  that I am a person who loves social work (Volunteered to donate a penny, most of the people don’t do that either).

Ok, now I am running late, need to catch train I at least got 5 selfies of me with the poor man , I will pic one of them to load onto my site in next 5 minutes. I just got into train of my god, it is packed and I need to stand again, My train journey is 20 mins , how can I utilize the time ? Ohh yeah , need to select a selfie to upload and need to do it fast as I will not have network in next 10 mins ( I am not sure what is happening around me although I don’t have enough space and standing between 100’s of people).Done , uploaded a pic and I lost my network (It feels like I lost everything as I lost my last signal).I was just thinking to interact with people (No , I don’t want to, It looks like I am in middle of Alien planet where all zombies are standing around me with their phones right on their faces).

Its my experience in my first 2 hours of my day , I am sure I fill pages if I need to write about my 24 hour interaction with social networking websites.

I hereby, conclude that I am part of this alien planet where we have variety of creatures but with one similarity , always living in their smart phone world.  

Interaction has become part of Social Networking rather than Social Gathering.